Latest News LIVE: India at UNSC reiterates call for 'unimpeded humanitarian access to areas of armed conflict in Ukraine' - The Economic Times

India reiterated its call for unimpeded humanitarian access to areas of armed conflict in Ukraine."India remains deeply concerned at the ongoing situation, which continues to deteriorate since the beginning of the hostilities. We reiterate our call for unimpeded humanitarian access to areas of armed conflict in Ukraine," India's Permanent Representative to the United Nations TS Tirumurti said at the UNSC briefing on the humanitarian situation in Ukraine.Tirumurti said that there is an urgent need to address the humanitarian needs of the affected population in Ukraine. He continued saying that "in this regard, the initiatives of UN, and its agencies like OCHA and WFP have reinforced ongoing efforts. We also note the decision by the EU countries who have agreed to a permit-free transit of humanitarian carriers to Ukraine."Keeping in view the dire humanitarian situation unfolding in Ukraine, India has already sent over 90 tonnes of humanitarian supplies to Ukraine and its neighbours.These supplies have included medicines and other essential relief material for refugees. We are providing more humanitarian assistance in the coming days, especially through supply of essential medicines, Tirumurti highlighted.He further said that it is important that humanitarian action is always guided by the principles of humanitarian assistance. i.e., humanity. neutrality, impartiality, and independence - embedded as they are at the heart of UN Guiding Principles of Humanitarian Assistance. "These measures should not be politicized," he added.
via Economictimes
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